Value Per Acre in Ada County

Friday, November 12, 2021

Inspired by Strong Towns, I wanted to do a value-per-acre in Ada County. I started off just picking assorted parcel’s from the Ada County Assessor interactive map:


Location Value/Acre
Winco (Downtown) $1.306 million/acre
Trader Joe’s $4.941 million/acre
Whiskey Bar $5.6 million/acre
Costco (Cole) $797k/acre

These three from the “blighted”-looking parcels near Boise Ave. and Broadway

Location Value/Acre
Coble Company $2.557 million/acre
Thompsons INC $3.304 million/acre
Kiddo Holdings LLC $2.671 million/acre

All better than downtown Winco and Costco!

Moving on to Meridian:

Location Value/Acre
Village (doesn’t include a bunch of parking) $6.4 million/acre
Big Als $2.279 million/acre
Costco (Chinden/Ten Mile) $1.4 million/acre
Walmart (State/Gary) $1.3 million/acre
105 E IDAHO AVE MERIDIAN $4.886 million/acre
127 E IDAHO AVE MERIDIAN $3.318 million/acre
136 E IDAHO AVE MERIDIAN $5.13 million/acre
Epi’s $1.5 million/acre
El Tenampa $2.745 million/acre

Properties in Downtown Meridian are much more valuable than most of the new and shiny megastores.

Okay, clicking on the map is dumb, where’s data? I downloaded the “Ada County Parcel polygons” file from

It’s a shapefile! Very nice.

finder screenshot

Opening it up in Google Earth Pro, it can’t handle the whole file, but it seems it has all the data we want (acres and total value mostly)

google earth screenshot

It would be nice to have all this data in a database. I’ll use ogr2ogr to import the data to a PostGIS database:

ogr2ogr PG:"host=localhost port=5432 dbname=YOUR_DB_NAME user=YOUR_DB_USER password=YOUR_DB_PASSWORD" -nlt GEOMETRY parcelspublic.shp -skipfailures -lco precision=NO

-- Remove parcels with 0 acres to avoid divide-by-zero error
DELETE FROM parcelspublic WHERE acres = 0;

-- Add a value_per_acre generated column just to be handy
-- Need Postgres 12 and up
ALTER TABLE parcelspublic
ADD COLUMN value_per_acre float8 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (totalvalue / acres) STORED;

The first query I ran was to find the most valuable properties. Unsurprisingly, they are almost all downtown:

most valuable properties

There’s only so much you can do with just the database. I’d rather have a map view. Let’s connect to it with QGIS

qgis screenshot


Let’s also filter only the commercial properties and add a satellite tile source:{x}&y={y}&z={z}

qgis screenshot 2

Next step: color code by value_per_acre:

qgis screenshot 3


Downtown Boise

West Boise

West Boise



North Meridian & Eagle

North Meridian & Eagle


Dairy Queen saves the day

Not sure where to go with this next but it was fun.

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Notes: Can't Get You Out of My Head